We were at Luton Millennium green today with the Magpie Growers doing some work and tidying up the park.
Was a great day the Magpie growers got lots of work done and we did a litter pick of the pocket park though there was not much to pick up!
The Magpie Growers cleared up around the amphitheatre where we had late last year been doing some flower seed bombing with Luton Junior School part of the grow wild campaign.
We can see where we were preparing the bombs by one of the herb gardens some of the flower seeds had escaped!
It looked an amazing mix of herbs and flowers the bees absolutely loved it!
The wildflower meadow we planted last year was looking spectacular!
We met some friends up there to that were enjoying the pocket park who owner told us that she remember speaking to us last year.
“The park looks great now we are really enjoying it and even my husband comes down now to we remember last year when it was starting that we all said it would not last long but here it is still today getting even better”
Looking forward to getting back there soon! and seeing the new play equipment being installed in early June.