Young Planners Workshop
During Fit & Fed, our young people had the opportunity to help shape the future of the old GO Outdoors and Market Hall site in Chatham, which is currently seeing a community-led plan being created known as a Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO).
Community tree maintenance day! 🌲
Last month, we held a community maintenance day for our Luton Urban Trees project. We were joined by a handful of residents, pupils from Luton Primary School and Local Trust kindly sent down a fantastic photographer to capture the unfoldings.
(Picture by Andy Aitchison / Local Trust)
The day was focused around a tree worksheet (1 per tree) where everyone involved answered a series of questions .e.g how tall is the tree, what shapes are the leaves and its species.
This was a fantastic exercise to learn more about our newly planted trees and to learn how we as local people can influence positive change. This information was gathered and archived so we can monitor the changes in these trees and compare them at our next community maintenance day.
Planting trees in urban areas isn’t as simple as you might think, that’s why we held a mini-workshop on cable avoidance. It was fantastic to see local children safely finding underground utilities using the CAT4 scanner and to learn together the complexities of urban street tree planting.
Keep your eyes peeled for our next community maintenance day.
#BigLocal #Medway #Community #BetterTogether
20 years of Luton Millennium Green... Let's Celebrate!!
Active Arches Fit and Fed Summer 2020
We been very busy trying to get our Fit and Fed program up and running over these Summer Holiday and adhering to all the Covid 19 restrictions that are or were in place.
This led to us having to limit the numbers of young people that could attend to a maximum of 30 each day, which is very disappointing given on average we had more than double that amount the previous summer. Though unfortunate very necessary given the global pandemic and ensuring the safety and good health for those young people and their families who were able to take part in our summer program.
Friends of Luton Millennium Green?
We are looking for people who care about our local park and green space, to help us form a Friends of Luton Millennium Green Group.
Try our #TreeTrail Walk
Using the app we have created a Tree Trail walk through Luton Millennium Green and beyond for anyone to enjoy. Along the Tree Trail we have marked species of Trees, other fauna and points of interest for you to check out.
We plan to keep updating and adding more to the trail but please have go of the walk and tell us what you think? We hope you enjoy doing it as much as we did making it!
Arches Local unveils new green wall at Luton Junior School
Arches Local led on a scheme supported by Cool Towns Project, Luton and Wayfield ward councillors, Tracey Crouch MP, University of Greenwich and New Build Landscapes who during February 2020 half term together with Arches Local staff and Luton Junior school teachers installed the ivy-clad wall (free of charge) at the front of the school, repurposing living green hoardings that had been used previously at construction sites.