Arches Local 9th July @ Luton Millennium Green Big Open Fun Day #community
What a great day we all had on Saturday 9th July the community came together and for the price of answering some simple questions got to eat and take part in all the Arches Local activities and more.
We started to get ready early in the day to be honest we were a little nervous thinking would anyone would turn up with so much else going on at the weekend with the Kent Show and River Festival !
Fears soon melted away it got busy really quick and the community enjoyed each other company the entire day, the children played, the weather was great, the whole day had such a relaxed feel to it. We estimate from the number of tickets we gave out for the hog roast that we had well over 200 people attend over the day, we managed together to totally devour a 68 kilo pig in under 4 hours all that was left was a few mushroom burgers.
Luton Millennium Green #Pocketpark Pictorial Update !
Work has begun in earnest on the site with Magpie Growers playing a pivotal role alongside with volunteers from Princes Trust, Turning Point, etc. In partnership with Medway Council, Medway Plus, Kent Wildlife Trust and all the parties involved in the successful Keep it Clean for the Queen event 29th Feb.
Please find below some photos we have taken before and as work is going on
Open Day > Boards Tea Cakes Leaves Ballons + Wooden Reindeer
Thank you for those that came and made our Open Day a success and shared your thoughts and heard ours on the Arches Local Area.
We were really pleased at the great turnout and we can report that over 200 of cups of tea and coffee where drunk and over 100 cakes were consumed on the day !
Big thanks go to Magpie Centre Cafe, Medway Men in Sheds, Medway Council Green Spaces team, Kent Wildlife Trust and Groundwork and many others...
Some thoughts that came out of the day including Jaiden request for a pet Lion.
Magpie Centre and Community Cafe Opens !
The former Magpie Tavern has undergone a £500,000 conversion and been transformed into a hub for everyone in the Arches Local area of the town.
Even the beer garden has been transformed - it is now a vegetable patch where produce is grown to be used in the centre’s cafe.
Spurred by a £300,000 grant from the Diocese of Rochester, which bought the pub building from the brewery in 2011, the project was led by neighbouring St Paul’s with All Saints’ Church.