Thank you for those that came and made our Open Day a success and shared your thoughts and heard ours on the Arches Local Area.
We were really pleased at the great turnout and we can report that over 200 of cups of tea and coffee where drunk and over 100 cakes were consumed on the day !
Big thanks go to Magpie Centre Cafe, Medway Men in Sheds, Medway Council Green Spaces team, Kent Wildlife Trust and Groundwork and many others…
Some thoughts that came out of the day including Jaiden request for a pet Lion.
People spoke about painting the bridge at Luton Arches, developing or creating new green spaces, but the most reoccurring theme was around affordable activities for young people and for them to have somewhere to go.
You told us some of the things you liked about the area like the people, architecture, diversity, community involvement !
Arches Local Open Day 08-12-2015 Merged Comments
Please find below some images capturing the fun we had on the day !