Have your say on the future of our Big Local area here by completing this survey https://t.co/oGBDB13KaY?amp=1 put up by Arches Chatham Neighbourhood Forum to feed into their Neighbourhood Plan for the area.
Some of the initial responses have indicated that people were overwhelmingly in favour of walkability, street trees, community infrastructure and terrace/low rise housing. Most people saw blank elevations, non-residential ground floor, enclosed spaces and high rise housing unfavourably.
When asked In 2030, how do you want to travel around Chatham? People were overwhelmingly in favour of travelling on foot and by tram, shortly followed by cycling with bus and car level-pegging for last position.
What should be done about empty retail units? The majority of people were in favour of encouraging reinvestment and using innovation (pop up cafes, artists studios, cinemas, etc), also expressing rebuilding for housing, with converting into flats coming last!
It takes less time than it does to make a cup of tea to complete, so put on the kettle and fill it out!