Festive Fit & Fed 🎄

Thanks to our partners and Medway Go, we were able to run Fit & Fed on the run up to Christmas for the very first time at Luton Primary School. Similar to our fantastic October programme, we were able to offer more than just multisports this time around too. Nucleus Arts joined us twice a day and Creatabot popped in too, for a myriad of creative and engaging activities.

This three-day programme was made even better by a delicious hot festive lunch donated by Forks and Corks for all the young people to enjoy.
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Arches Urban Forest 🌲

Despite the weather not being on our side, we were out in force planting street trees (a mixture of ginkgo biloba and ornamental pears) with our partner mhs homes for National Tree Week. Due to the success of our Luton’s Urban Trees programme, it has expanded to become Arches Urban Forest.

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Life Skills Club 💵

Here are the money saving shopping tips you shared during our Life Skills Club session in November.

Top Cash Back App


Shop online? Check out this app for money saving deals from a wide range of suppliers before shopping online.

It’s free to join but there is £5 annual fee if you choose the Plus account.

Make sure you understand how the scheme works before signing up to join it.

02 Air Time Rewards App

By shopping at selected stores, 02 customers can collect points that give them cash back on their air time and if they have enough points, monthly bonus reward.

If 02 is your service provider, check out this deal.

If not, see if yours has a similar scheme.

Bulk Buy

Best deals for many kitchen cupboard staples, and household essentials ranging from tinned tomatoes, baked beans and potatoes to toilet paper, toothpaste and cleaning products, are often cheaper bought in bulk. This is neither practical nor affordable for most of us as individuals but can be, by splitting the cost (and goods) with friends.

Shopping List

Make a shopping list that fits in with your budget and stick to it.

Shop Alone

Shopping with others, especially children who get bored easily, can lead to unnecessary purchases of sweet treats to keep them quiet, or non-essential items they have spotted that aren’t on your shopping list or within your budget.

Essential Household Items - 01634 383760

Citizens Advice provide support for people living in Medway, in need of emergency help to access essential household items such as beds and white goods 


Join us for our next session on 9th December from 1:00 - 2:30 at Luton Invicta Club, Luton Road.   


Fit & Fed October 2021 ⛹️

Thanks to our partners, we were able to continue our expanded Fit & Fed programme over the October 2021 school holiday at Luton Primary School. Similar to our fantastic summer programme, we were able to offer more than just multisports this time around too, Nucleus Arts joined us twice a day over the week and Creatabot pop in too, for a myriad of creative and engaging activities.

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Fit & Fed Summer 2021 ⛹️

Thanks to our partners and Medway Go, our expanded Fit & Fed programme this summer was a huge success! Not only was there multisports this term, we had everything from kayaking to t-shirt print making, local young people took part in many engaging sporting and creative activities over the course of four weeks.Read more

Community Allotment Update 🌻

Whilst it's been all hands on deck at Fit & Fed, Hazel's been very busy at our community allotment!

Over 40 raised beds have been created to enable local people to adopt them and grow a myriad of fruit and veg without having to commit to a full sized allotment. 10 raised beds have already been adopted by local people with plans to personalise them in bold colours. There are 34 more to paint and loads of non-gardening projects in hand. Are you interested in adopting a planter? Get in touch! 

In addition to these planters, we have a wildlife area, sensory garden and 4 ponds in the works, we even have a moveable apple tree that sits in a giant 1000l container and over a tonne of soil.

If you live locally and are interested in getting involved with our community allotment, please get in touch. 



Young Planners Workshop

During Fit & Fed, our young people had the opportunity to help shape the future of the old GO Outdoors and Market Hall site in Chatham, which is currently seeing a community-led plan being created known as a Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO).

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Patchwork returns!

After months of fantastic patchwork being created and displayed via Zoom, we were delighted to welcome back our community patchwork group to the HeART space in line with government Covid-19 guidance.
It was fantastic to view some of the creations from our digital patchwork sessions in person and see how they have evolved over the lockdown period. Here's an example of a beautiful hand weaved poncho by Doreen.
The patchwork session runs every Wednesday between 12.45 pm till 2.45 pm at the HeArt space in the Pentagon Shopping Centre, but because of current Covid-19 guidelines spaces are limited so please book in advance. If you are interested in getting involved or know anyone who might be, please get in touch.

Community tree maintenance day! 🌲

Last month, we held a community maintenance day for our Luton Urban Trees project. We were joined by a handful of residents, pupils from Luton Primary School and Local Trust kindly sent down a fantastic photographer to capture the unfoldings.


(Picture by Andy Aitchison / Local Trust)

The day was focused around a tree worksheet (1 per tree) where everyone involved answered a series of questions .e.g how tall is the tree, what shapes are the leaves and its species.



This was a fantastic exercise to learn more about our newly planted trees and to learn how we as local people can influence positive change. This information was gathered and archived so we can monitor the changes in these trees and compare them at our next community maintenance day.



Planting trees in urban areas isn’t as simple as you might think, that’s why we held a mini-workshop on cable avoidance. It was fantastic to see local children safely finding underground utilities using the CAT4 scanner and to learn together the complexities of urban street tree planting.


Keep your eyes peeled for our next community maintenance day. 

#BigLocal #Medway #Community #BetterTogether