
New Horizons is a three year international social action programme created and run by the charity Medway Youth Trust which will raise the aspirations and prospects of young people in Medway.

A young Arches Local Resident Jacob approached us about supporting him in participating on this project and he gave a presentation to the Steering Group.


  • 13 young people from Medway11824950_1456822064623503_1867196981023927428_n
  • 3 weeks in Columbia in October
  • Teaching English and working on a Coffee Farm
  • 17 and from Luton & Young Carer
  • Meeting new people Challenge Myself
  • Act as positive role model & raise aspirations





It was a great presentation from Jacob he explained what the project was about and it aims !


Arches Local swiftly decided, unanimously to fully support Jacob request of funds, and he will be off to Colombia, South America (Tena) with the other participants.

tena columbia 2


tena columbia

We look forward to hearing  in detail of Jacob experiences in Columbia and how they can help us achieve our aims with the Arches Local Area !