Arches Local + Medway Council #Lutonarches #bettertogether


Arches Local Medway Council


Medway Council have been down to Luton Arches recently after are request for action in light of Network Rail activity and we are happy to report they have delivered.

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Creating Local Change in Partnership

Arches Local Network RailNetwork Rail have been back down to the #LutonArches in part to deal with our request around issues about our health and well-being,  also that of the pigeons.

They have sent a team to remove the dead pigeons from the netting though this is not a permanent fix its certainly a step in the right direction and will lead to new future conversations.

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Luton Millennium Green to get a Pocket Park ?



Luton Millennium Green with the help of Arches Local Big Local in partnership with Medway Plus, Medway Council, and Magpie Growers have together won a bid to transform an untended area of the park in to a pocket park. The successful bid will bring £15,000.00 of funds to invest in the park, with Arches Local planning to match the capital element raising the total to £25,000.00.

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Luton Arches Day & Night

Luton Arches, New Sketches of opportunities for improvements.

We like to share these sketches shown at the recent open day they are as before to provoke discussion and not any final plans. So please share your thoughts and opinions.

There has already been some positive change down at the Luton Arches since the last sketch we hope these will be a catalyst to further improvements.

AL DayRead more

Open Day > Boards Tea Cakes Leaves Ballons + Wooden Reindeer

Thank you for those that came and made our Open Day a success and shared your thoughts and heard ours on the Arches Local Area.

We were really pleased at the great turnout and we can report that over 200 of cups of tea and coffee where drunk and over 100 cakes were consumed on the day !

Big thanks go to Magpie Centre CafeMedway Men in Sheds, Medway Council Green Spaces team, Kent Wildlife Trust and Groundwork and many others...

Some thoughts that came out of the day including Jaiden request for a pet Lion.

JaidenRead more

Network Rail Meet Arches Local #lutonarches

We met with a representative of Network Rail on 27th November 2015 we gave them a tour of the area and showed them all the problems and highlighted the areas that we believed were on Network Rail property.

Shared with them some of our ideas for the area and plans around the Luton Arches and how they could help and what a great benefit it would be for everyone.

Spoke about working in partnership with the Community, Medway Council and Network Rail together.

Some of the highlights we spoke about for those of you who pass through the area will be familiar with was the huge amount of cans and bottles dumped by the walk-bridge, it hard to imagine the amount there from the photo it very sizable, and Network Rail Rep was shocked at it and promised swift action on there side of the fence.

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JCDecaux + Arches Local = Change

We have been in discussion with JCDecaux about their advertising hoarding towards the bottom of Castle Road.

You may recall it looking like this..

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Grove Road Rubbish Saga !

The Portable "Tip" that was making the rounds at the bottom of Grove Road has been removed !

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Luton Millennium Green putting it on the map

Had a great meeting yesterday with the Medway Greenspaces team to discuss the future of Luton Millennium Green and how Arches Local can help shape it future.

Here are some of their ideas ! some we shared like ones around Orchards and Community Space (BBQ was mentioned !), Men in Sheds in the Cage ...

Remember they are to generate conversation not any final plans.

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Luton Arches, Inital Sketch

Luton Arches, Initial Sketch of opportunities for improvements.
We like to share this sketch it is to provoke discussion and not any final plans. So please share your thoughts and opinions.

We would like the final sketches to be the catalyst for us to drive a community clear up of the area in partnership with Medway Council and Network Rail. Leading we hope to large scale regeneration of the area.

They always say time changes things with Luton Arches it would not be for the best, but sometimes we have to help things change for the better.
