Grove Road Rubbish Saga !

The Portable "Tip" that was making the rounds at the bottom of Grove Road has been removed !

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Luton Millennium Green putting it on the map

Had a great meeting yesterday with the Medway Greenspaces team to discuss the future of Luton Millennium Green and how Arches Local can help shape it future.

Here are some of their ideas ! some we shared like ones around Orchards and Community Space (BBQ was mentioned !), Men in Sheds in the Cage ...

Remember they are to generate conversation not any final plans.

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International Credit Union (ICU) Day

International Credit Union (ICU) Day® has been celebrated on the third Thursday of October since 1948. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement's history and to promote its achievements. It is a day to honor those who have dedicated their lives to the movement, recognize the hard work of those working in the credit union industry and show members our appreciation.
The ultimate goal is to raise awareness about the great work that credit unions are doing around the world and give members the opportunity to get more involved. Credit unions and associations throughout the world celebrate the day with fundraisers, open houses, contests, picnics and parades.
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Luton Arches, Inital Sketch

Luton Arches, Initial Sketch of opportunities for improvements.
We like to share this sketch it is to provoke discussion and not any final plans. So please share your thoughts and opinions.

We would like the final sketches to be the catalyst for us to drive a community clear up of the area in partnership with Medway Council and Network Rail. Leading we hope to large scale regeneration of the area.

They always say time changes things with Luton Arches it would not be for the best, but sometimes we have to help things change for the better.
