Creating Local Change in Partnership

Arches Local Network RailNetwork Rail have been back down to the #LutonArches in part to deal with our request around issues about our health and well-being,  also that of the pigeons.

They have sent a team to remove the dead pigeons from the netting though this is not a permanent fix its certainly a step in the right direction and will lead to new future conversations.

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Luton Millennium Green to get a Pocket Park ?



Luton Millennium Green with the help of Arches Local Big Local in partnership with Medway Plus, Medway Council, and Magpie Growers have together won a bid to transform an untended area of the park in to a pocket park. The successful bid will bring £15,000.00 of funds to invest in the park, with Arches Local planning to match the capital element raising the total to £25,000.00.

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