🌱 Summer Fit & Fed 2023

Summer Fit & Fed 2023

You guessed it, throughout August we held our summer Fit & Fed programme thanks to the support of Medway Go. This time around we ran for four days, Monday to Thursday, for 4 weeks of the summer break.

Despite the unpredictable weather, we averaged 70 young people each day that were to be immersed in a world of physical and creative activities provided by our regular partners Nucleus ArtsOlympia BoxingSport On Your Doorstep, Street Games, etc.

Wild foods expert Miles Irving joined us for a weekly foraging activity and Electric Medway & Mrs Bakers Medway Theatre Company combined forces to deliver a singing and scanning workshop too!

Fit & Fed Summer 2022 ⛹️

Thanks to our partners and Medway Go, our Fit & Fed programme this summer was a huge success and one of our busiest ever! Our four weeks were jam packed with everything from paddle boarding to US Open-style tennis competition and even cake decorating for local young people. Read more

Fit and Fed back from Lockdown!!

#FitandFed returned from the Lockdown 3 imposed break during the #Easter 2021 half term holidays over 6 days during the 2 weeks. Which included a variety of Young people of different ages lots of positive interactions and healthy lunches served.

We got up to all sorts including games of Football, DodgeBall, Tennis, Basketball and potting vegetable plants kindly donated by the an SIREE EU Interreg Project

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Local Voices at the Arches Local Christmas Event 2017

Pleased to share with you our Xmas event video where we captured some local voices. People were asked about the area and we shared our plans around developing a Neighbourhood Forum and plan.


[cvm_playlist theme="default" aspect_ratio="4x3" width="640" volume="30" videos="1185"]

Arches Local Lego Fantastic !

Hi please find a movie and photos from the Lego Club sponsored by Arches Local area by Natasha

download held at the All Saints Community Project Trust.

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