Arches Local #SpringEvents16 Big Local @ London
Arches Local attended the Big Local #SpringEvents16 in London on 23rd of April where we delivered a presentation on Making Connections and Promoting Big Local Opportunities was a really interesting day where we got to share with and learn from other Big Local Area's.
Luton Arches Day & Night
Luton Arches, New Sketches of opportunities for improvements.
We like to share these sketches shown at the recent open day they are as before to provoke discussion and not any final plans. So please share your thoughts and opinions.
There has already been some positive change down at the Luton Arches since the last sketch we hope these will be a catalyst to further improvements.
Open Day > Boards Tea Cakes Leaves Ballons + Wooden Reindeer
Thank you for those that came and made our Open Day a success and shared your thoughts and heard ours on the Arches Local Area.
We were really pleased at the great turnout and we can report that over 200 of cups of tea and coffee where drunk and over 100 cakes were consumed on the day !
Big thanks go to Magpie Centre Cafe, Medway Men in Sheds, Medway Council Green Spaces team, Kent Wildlife Trust and Groundwork and many others...
Some thoughts that came out of the day including Jaiden request for a pet Lion.
Old Maps and Allotments !
We thought people would be interested to see how the Arches Local and surrounding area looked in the past we noted that there were a lot more allotments and green spaces around.
If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree.
Archers and Drivers Meet !
We met up recently with Stephen Driver the great great grandson of the Joshua Driver. Spoke about his family, the Arches Local's plan and idea's for the area, and how this incorporated the Driver Fountain. Shared some photo's some we not see before William Dawes Driver with his children Joshua and Louisa.
Chatham Neighbourhood PostCard Project
Cabinet of Curiosity Studio a local visual art, design & architecture partnership have designed a postcard unique to the Luton area of Chatham that asks local residents to share what they love about their neighbourhood. The postcard features the architecture of the railway arches that marks the gateway to the Luton district and Chatham; magpies that connect to the geographical location through street names, pub signs and the birds themselves that are a common sight in this town; and a design that draws upon vintage postcards.
A Community in Transformation
Please find below the Arches Local Profile - A Community in Transformation.
You can come and view the actual book at one of our open meetings !