It may seem a long time ago now but here is update on all the activities we ran over the summer 2019. The Lunch and Lego clubs went really well with us continuing to use a refundable deposit scheme both sessions were well attended and we used some of the residual Fit and Fed food to compliment the stuff we prepared for the Lego and Lunch Session making significant savings on last summer sessions. As you can tell from the stats in our info graphic this summers Fit and Fed program was our busiest one yet!






The Creative Art went really well and were even better attended than last summer which is a great achievement but did put to the test the amount of space we had. Kids took part in loads of activities I.e. created slime, designed there own bags and tie dye shirts. as well as the themed Lego and Lunch sessions.


It hard to single out one thing as all went so well but the Fit and Fed program grew from strength to strength with less space to work with and more than double the kids of the previous summer this was the best program we ever run. The food on offer prepared by ourselves and volunteers was fantastic and the best yet with ingredients provided by Kent Fare Share. We did though had to adapt our coaching delivering strategy as we more children with acute behavioral issues but no child was excluded well only one boy for one day. We really need to work hard to grow and secure funding so that we can continue to meet the demand and develop the program with the next sessions due in October half term.