Summer 2019 Activities Update.
It may seem a long time ago now but here is update on all the activities we ran over the summer 2019. The Lunch and Lego clubs went really well with us continuing to use a refundable deposit scheme both sessions were well attended and we used some of the residual Fit and Fed food to compliment the stuff we prepared for the Lego and Lunch Session making significant savings on last summer sessions. As you can tell from the stats in our info graphic this summers Fit and Fed program was our busiest one yet!
The Big Lunch and Clean Air Day 2019
On Saturday the 15th June we held our Big Lunch and Clean Air Day Event. Everyone had a great time in the sunshine at Town Hall Gardens, eating healthy and nutritious food and enjoying the new play equipment in the park!
Rodeo Fun at the XMAS event 2018
Our XMAS event held on 16th of December 2018 at Town Hall Gardens was a huge success with loads of fun things to do including a Reindeer Rodeo, Snow Globe, Face Painting and Junior High Striker it was truly a fun-filled afternoon for all the family to enjoy.
Lets Better Shape Our Area Together
Through out 2018 we have been discussing with our community and stakeholders, creating a Neighbourhood Plan for our area. We have chosen its aims and objectives which are for the Forum to produce a Neighbourhood Plan to improve the social, economic, environmental and general well-being of individuals living in a designated area and to further the interests of businesses operating in the same area who support the Neighbourhood Plan aims. It shall operate without distinction or discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability, sexual orientation or race, or of political, religious or other beliefs.
We also after lengthy discussions with the Local Authority have together drawn up a designated area that includes the boundary of of our Big Local area and has taken in some additional areas that it was felt would make sense to include i.e because there were future plans to develop those areas. We also decided on a name for the forum which would be The Arches Neighbourhood Planning Group and we successfully applied to Locality for funding to help create a forum.